The Meaning Behind The Song: Chamber of Reflection by Mac DeMarco

Chamber of Reflection is a song by indie rock artist Mac DeMarco from his album Salad Days, released in 2014. The song carries a deeper meaning when you delve into its lyrics and the additional information surrounding it.

The Lyrics

Spend some time away
Getting ready for the day you’re born again
Spend some time alone
Understand that soon you’ll run with better men
Alone again

The lyrics open with the idea of taking time away to prepare for a rebirth. It speaks to the need for solitude and self-reflection before moving forward. Mac DeMarco encourages the listener to understand that after this period of isolation, they will emerge stronger and capable of running with better companions.

Alone again
Alone again
Alone again

The chorus emphasizes the feeling of being alone, repeating the phrase “alone again” four times. It highlights the isolation that comes with personal growth and the understanding that this journey is a solitary one.

No use looking out
It’s within that brings that lonely feeling
Understand that when you leave here
You’ll be clear among the better men
Alone again

In the second verse, DeMarco suggests that searching externally for fulfillment is futile. The sense of loneliness comes from within, and only by resolving this inner loneliness can one truly find fulfillment. The verse ends with the reassurance that after this process, the listener will become clear and join the ranks of the “better men.”

[Chorus]Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again
Alone again

The chorus is repeated again, emphasizing the theme of loneliness and isolation.

Additional Information

Mac DeMarco draws inspiration for “Chamber of Reflection” from the Chamber of Reflection in Masonic culture. This adds a layer of symbolism, as the song explores themes of self-reflection, isolation, and personal growth. Masonic symbols, such as the compass and square, are also present in the music video, further reinforcing this connection.

DeMarco also incorporates a sample from Japanese artist Shigeo Sekito’s song “The World II.” This sampling adds a nostalgic and dreamy quality to the song, creating a hypnotic backdrop for the introspective lyrics.

It’s interesting to note that Mac DeMarco has a history of incorporating masonic symbols in his work. His former band, Makeout Videotape, featured these symbols on the cover of their album Ying Yang. This recurring theme suggests a fascination or deeper meaning behind the symbolism.

Listening to “Chamber of Reflection” can evoke personal experiences and memories. The lyrical themes of self-discovery and solitude resonate with many listeners, as they reflect on their own journeys of growth and introspection. Whether it’s a birthday, Christmas, or any other celebration, certain songs have a way of becoming intertwined with our experiences and emotions.

Overall, “Chamber of Reflection” is a thought-provoking song that uses its lyrics and additional symbolism to explore themes of self-reflection, isolation, and personal growth. It invites listeners to take a moment of solitude and understand that true fulfillment comes from within.
